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Business Entertainment Expenses: What You Need to Know

Navigating Business Entertainment Expenses: What You Need to Know

Entertainment can play a crucial role in fostering strong professional relationships and boosting your business's success, and it’s not surprising that activities like celebrating milestones with clients or throwing year-end parties to raise employee morale are essential components of a thriving business. 

However, entertainment expenses can often put a strain on your company's budget, and managing business entertainment expenses is therefore crucial for compliance and financial efficiency. From business meals to travel expenses, understanding the rules and regulations can help your business maximise tax deductions and stay within legal limits. 

Whether you're covering the standard meal allowance or navigating per diem rates, this guide provides essential insights to optimise your entertainment and travel expenses. Let’s delve into the best practices and strategies for managing these costs while maintaining compliance and maximising benefits.

What are Business Entertainment Expenses?

Business expenses refer to costs incurred by a business entity in its regular operations, essential for maintaining profitability and operational continuity. These expenses vary widely and include everything from rent and utilities to salaries and marketing expenditures. Proper management of business expenses is crucial for financial health and sustainability.

What Constitutes Business Entertainment Expenses?

Business entertainment expenses are a vital aspect to understand for tax purposes, as they have specific rules set by HMRC. In general, an expense is considered an entertainment expense if it involves 'eating, drinking and other hospitality', which may include accommodation or event tickets. Knowing how these expenses are assessed by HMRC is crucial for tax compliance.

Different factors determine the reporting and payment process, such as the type of entertainment, the organiser, and attendees. For instance, client entertainment and staff entertainment have distinct regulations that must be followed. 

Keep in mind that HMRC's evaluation criteria for business entertainment expenses can be intricate, so always ensure you stay informed and make certain that your business adheres to the guidelines.

In a Nutshell: Types of Allowed Business Entertainment Expenses

Food and Beverages

Costs for food and beverages during business meals with clients or employees can be claimed as business entertainment expenses. This includes meals at restaurants, catered events, and refreshments during meetings. Ensure compliance with the standard meal allowance and keep detailed receipts for tax purposes.

Employee Entertainment and Entertaining Clients

Expenses related to entertaining employees or clients at events such as sports games, shows, or social gatherings can qualify. These activities should have a clear business purpose, like building team morale or fostering client relationships, and adhere to company policies and tax regulations.

Travel and Transport

Travel expenses incurred during business trips for entertaining purposes, including airfare, car rentals, and lodging, can be claimed. For more on managing travel expenses, see our guide on travel expense management software.

Client Entertainment Definition & Rules

When it comes to client entertainment, HMRC considers it as "business entertainment" if you provide free hospitality to individuals who aren't your current employees. This can be divided into two distinct types:

  1. Business entertainment of clients, where you offer hospitality during business discussions or to maintain client relationships.
  2. Non-business entertainment of clients, when you provide hospitality to a business acquaintance for social purposes.

Always remember to follow the guidelines and differentiate between the two when engaging in client entertaining activities for your business.

Is Client Entertainment Tax Deductible?

Unfortunately, client entertainment is not tax deductible and cannot be claimed against your profits. This implies that such expenses must be added back to your profit when calculating corporation tax. 

Additionally, you won't be able to claim any VAT back from these expenses, regardless of whether you're having a casual coffee meeting or a meal with a potential customer. However, you can still make client entertainment expenses more tax-efficient. 

One essential tip is to always pay for these expenses using a business account instead of a personal one. Although the expense remains non-deductible for Corporation Tax purposes, opting to pay through your business account will prevent being taxed on the income used to cover those expenses personally.

Staff Entertainment Definition & Rules

When organising entertainment events for your company's staff, it's essential to understand the rules surrounding this. 

Firstly, clarify what qualifies someone as an employee. Employees are individuals on your company's payroll, receiving a salary. This definition excludes former employees, subcontractors, volunteers, and non-working shareholders.

Entertaining people other than your employees falls under business entertainment, not staff entertainment. Remember, you cannot claim tax reduction or VAT on expenses related to entertaining clients or non-employees.

Also worth noting is that if you're a sole trader or a partner in a partnership or LLP, you don't count as an employee, as there's no legal distinction between you and your business. Consequently, you cannot claim tax reduction or VAT on expenses related to entertaining yourself.

Which Business Entertainment Expenses Are Tax Deductible?

In order to be considered a tax-deductible business entertainment expense by HMRC, an event must meet specific criteria. 

An annual occasion, such as a summer picnic or Christmas party, qualifies if it is open to all employees and costs less than £150 per guest attending. These events are not taxable benefits for your employees.

Nonetheless, if an event doesn't meet any one of these three criteria, the entire cost becomes taxable:

  • A one-time meal, like celebrating a new contract
  • Excluding specific staff members
  • Exceeding a cost of £150 per head

Understanding the rules around business entertainment expenses can be challenging. 

If you are uncertain about claiming tax relief or reclaiming VAT on a particular expense, it's advisable to consult an accountant for expert guidance.

Managing Entertainment Expenses for Independent Contractors and the Self-Employed

For independent contractors and the self-employed, handling business entertainment expenses effectively is crucial for both compliance and financial management. Unlike larger businesses, freelancers and solo entrepreneurs must be diligent in documenting and justifying their entertainment costs to claim tax deductions and ensure accurate bookkeeping.

  1. Maintain Detailed Records: Keep meticulous records of all entertainment expenses. This includes receipts, invoices, and notes on the purpose of each expenditure. Clear documentation supports claims for tax deductions and helps in case of audits.
  1. Categorise Expenses Accurately: Differentiate between personal and business-related entertainment expenses. Only expenses directly tied to business activities, such as client dinners, business meetings, or networking events, should be claimed. Ensure proper categorization to avoid complications during tax filing.
  1. Use Accounting Software: Use accounting software to track and manage business entertainment expenses. Tools like ExpenseOnDemand can automate the tracking process, categorise expenses, and generate reports, saving you time and reducing the risk of errors.
  1. Understand Tax Regulations: Familiarise yourself with tax regulations regarding business entertainment expenses. Guidelines may vary, but generally, expenses must be ordinary, necessary, and directly related to your business. Stay updated on allowable deductions to maximise your tax benefits.
  1. Set Realistic Budgets: Establish a budget for entertainment expenses and review it monthly. Keeping expenses within budget helps in financial planning and prevents overspending, ensuring you maintain control over your business finances.

Simplifying Business Entertainment Expense Management with ExpenseOnDemand

ExpenseOnDemand simplifies the management of business entertainment expenses with its intuitive platform. From tracking business meals to handling travel expenses, our software provides comprehensive tools to ensure compliance and maximise tax benefits. 

By creating expense categories, setting spending limits, and tracking event attendees, you can effortlessly manage your tax returns. Start managing your entertainment costs effectively today. Book a demo with ExpenseOnDemand.


What qualifies as a business entertainment expense?

Business entertainment expenses include costs for meals, events, and activities intended to foster business relationships or promote company goals. These must be directly related to business purposes to qualify.

How can I ensure my business entertainment expenses are tax-deductible?

To ensure tax deductibility, maintain clear documentation, including receipts and descriptions of the business purpose for each expense. Follow regulatory guidelines on what constitutes allowable entertainment expenses.

Can independent contractors claim business entertainment expenses?

Yes, independent contractors can claim business entertainment expenses as long as they are directly related to their business activities and properly documented. This includes entertaining clients or attending relevant business events.

How does ExpenseOnDemand help with managing business entertainment expenses?

ExpenseOnDemand offers automated tracking, compliance checks, and reporting tools for managing business entertainment expenses. It helps ensure accurate documentation, simplifies tax deductions, and provides detailed insights into your expense patterns.